Setting Up Logitech Keyboard LEDs

Download g810-led for keyboard LEDs.
The full directions can be found online here.

Installation through Repos:
For Debian 10+ or Ubuntu 19/04+ download with: apt install g810-led

Installation of Dependencies (choose one)
sudo apt-get install git g++ make libhidapi-dev # for hidapi (preferred)
sudo apt-get install git g++ make libusb-1.0-0-dev # for libusb

Installation through github
git clone
cd g810-led
make bin # for hidapi (much more responsive, but maybe not as stable)
make bin LIB=libusb # for libusb
sudo make install

Command used for my particular setup:
sudo g213-led -dv 046d -dp c336 -tuk 3 -a ef0000